Well, it's been a busy week I have to say. There was a
higher than average number of unmotivating lectures, some of which were the mental equivalent of watching paint dry. But Thursday evenings are often the highlight of the week, my chance to be creative. I'm working with glass just now, making glass pendants in the hope of flogging them for a bit of money. The incentive for this is that one of my classmates revealed that she had

earned 8000 kr (about £600) by selling her glass jewellery from the last course. Not a bad profit when you only pay £45 for materials. So we'll give it a shot. My pendants are being fused as I write now, so pics are pending. Here's an idea of what fused glass jewellery can look like. These were made by a glass artist called Alicia MacInnes
http://www.aliciamacinnes.co.uk/ and the photo is from her website.