Thursday, 25 November 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010

Bambi invasion

Well, I've never seen anything like this in all my time in Sweden. At 10am I was drinking my morning coffee and got a glimse of what I thought was a huge dog in my vegetable patch. Except it wasn't a dog, it was a deer! And there were 3 of them!

They don't usually come into residential areas like this unless its a really hard winter and the ground is frozen. Like last winter I saw deer tracks in the road. But they came at night then. We've only had snow for a couple of days and the weather is pretty mild, so it would seem strange that it would be hunger that drove them here in the middle of the day.....

I am hoping for a huge moose next time.

Thursday, 11 November 2010

What a difference a day makes....

......just 24 little hours. Monday I took a walk in our beech forest to capture the golden carpet of fallen leaves. The very next day, winter had arrived.

Wednesday, 10 November 2010


Just got these sweet animal beads into my Etsy store. Alice and I have been cooing over the bunnies ever since they arrived.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Craft show, Vidablick

Now I've been bitten by the craft bug, I booked a table for myself at a local craft show, Vidablick in Bankeryd. Here's a few pics of my table just before we opened:

I really enjoyed taking part and considering my table was squashed into a corner in a small room in a building away from the main event, I did pretty well.

New pieces I had with me:


A couple of weeks back I got take part in a Buzzador campaign and had some free and delicious parmesan cheese from Zeta delivered to my door. Later that very same day, my neighbour Lotta came by with about a kilo of wild mushrooms - trattkantareller in Swedish - so I made up a new recipe, mushroom and bacon parmesan-topped toasties.... Alice doesn't like mushrooms I got to eat them both myself :D