Sunday, 18 September 2011

Back to school

This weekend was the official opening of the huge new primary school that they have built down the road from us. They had an open day for the general public to come and have a look round. It was very impressive and miles away from the dingy primary schools I remember from my childhood. I snapped some photos on my phone.

The art gallery-like main entrance

 No narrow, dark corriders here

Each class had its own entrance and each classroom had a door out to the yard, with benches and tables so that the children could work outside.

The whole school was decorated in fresh lime and white. Even the kitchen staff all had matching lime t-shirts.

 Many classrooms had smartboards

I have never been in - or worked in - a teacher's room this big! And every teacher's room had a little kitchen. And a kettle!

The main building is shaped like an E, and at the end of each of the 3 blocks there is an after-school club. At the top of these stairs.....

 ..... was a chill-out area for the kids.

The best bit of course was the yummy carrot cake on offer in the cafeteria

Friday, 16 September 2011

Dear Acorn

Thanks for making such a satisfying crunch when I step on you when out walking.

Like this? Then here's my inspiration.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Freddie M

Today would have been Freddie Mercury's 65th birthday. This year in November it's also 20 years since Freddie died. Unbelievable. So here's a tribute to the greatest showman and performer ever, IMHO.