tortilla bread
1 avocado
half a red onion
mozzarella cheese
grated cheese
mache lettuce or rocket/ruccola
cherry tomatoes
fresh basil leaves
lemon or lime juice
salt and black pepppar
Chop all the ingredients and lay them on the tortilla. Sprinkle with lemon/lime juice and season with salt and pepper.
You may want to put a little less filling in them than I did!
Roll them and secure with a couple of toothpicks and lay them on the barbecue for a few minutes each side until browned. Keep an eye on them though, as they don't take long.
The mozzarella melts and becomes lovely and gooey.....
de ser mycket goda ut. då vet jag vad vi ska äta till helgen!
It's helpful to me to post my favorite recipes here too. I'm going to make them again and couldn't remember all the ingredients or the magazine where I'd seen the original recipe!
I also tried them under the grill and as long as you secure them with toothpicks and watch them carefully as they don't take long, then they should be ok. I grilled them on both sides.
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